
Stretegic Lidership

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in safety

Descripción del curso

Safety is the foundation of aviation and all critical environments where risks must be meticulously managed to ensure operational success. The Strategic Leadership in Safetycourse is designed to empower professionals with the leadership acumen, systemic thinking capabilities, and technical expertise required to navigate and manage complex safety challenges effectively.

In a field where leadership extends beyond mere management, this program emphasizes the importance of inspiring teams, coordinating actions, and addressing multifaceted dynamics that influence both safety and operational efficiency. Through an innovative blend of advanced theories and real-world applications, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of evolving safety management approaches, critical thinking strategies, and neurolinguistic leadership techniques tailored to modern, volatile environments.

This course is not just technical training; it is a transformative journey aimed at refining your leadership skills and equipping you to lead with confidence in safety-critical domains.

Características del curso

Es un curso autogestionado: una modalidad de aprendizaje flexible y personalizada que te permite tomar el control de tu propio proceso educativo. Es una excelente opción para capacitarte en distintas áreas y adquirir nuevas habilidades, de acuerdo con tus necesidades e intereses.

Al finalizar el curso, los estudiantes podrán tener habilidades en la detección de errores, peligros y gestionar situaciones no deseadas. El curso proporcionará lecciones en video, material escrito, presentaciones con audio y ejercicios prácticos para que los estudiantes puedan aprender de manera efectiva y aplicar sus conocimientos.

Este curso es útil para aquellos interesados en mejorar sus habilidades blandas o habilidades no técnicas, del inglés soft skills, el término hace referencia a aquellas competencias personales y sociales que facilitan las relaciones humanas y permiten desenvolverse con éxito en cualquier ámbito de la vida, incluido el laboral.

El curso tendrá una duración de 60 días, 8 módulos en total. Los estudiantes podrán completar el curso a su propio ritmo dentro de este marco de tiempo. El material estará disponible por 90 días luego de finalizado el curso.




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Módulo 1: Starting point
  • Safety – PPT with explanatory audio


  • Introduction to Chapter 1 of ICAO Document 9859: Safety Concept.
  • Introduction to Chapter 2 of ICAO Document 9859: Fundamentals of Safety Management.
  • Introduction to Practical Drift – Theory by Scott A. Snook.
  • Watch Out for Drift – PPT with explanatory audio.
  • Diving Deeper into Drift.
Módulo 2: Thinking in Systems
  • Evolution in Safety Management: From a Focus on Human Error to Systemic Understanding.
  • Systemic Leader.
  • System — PPT with Explanatory Audio.
  • Our Thinking — Kahneman, D. (2012). Thinking, Fast and Slow.
  • System 1 and System 2 Theory — PPT with explanatory audio and exercises.
  • How System 1 and System 2 Processing Influences Safety.
  • Thinking in Systems.
  • The Inevitability of Wicked Problems — Rittel and Webber.
  • The 5 Principles of Human Performance — PPT with explanatory audio.
  • How to Ruin a Good CRM Program.
Módulo 3: Leadership
  • Leading Like an Orchestra Conductor – Itay Talgam (Video).
  • The Leadership Paradox.
  • Leadership in a VUCA and BANI World: Making Things Happen.
  • Delegation.
  • Middle Management and Leadership.
  • Neurolinguistic Leadership in Safety – PPT with explanatory audio.
  • ‘Quiet Leadership’: The Science and Practice of Neurolinguistic Leadership – Poelmans, S., & Gil Ugarte, L. S. Quiet Leadership: The Science and Practice of Neurolinguistic Leadership.
  • Toxicity in Work Teams and the Role of Leadership.
  • Holistic Leadership: Leading Upwards and Across Peers.